In the rhythm of the modern world, it is very difficult to always stay on top of everything: at work, with friends, in bed. Stress, tension and bad habits only make the situation worse. And one thing always suffers, as practice shows, intimate life most often suffers. Malfunctions begin in the functioning of the most important organ, which negatively affects the physical and psychological state of men. Panic begins, a decrease in self-esteem, disappointment in one's own capabilities and a search for means to restore lost strength.

To get rid of this problem or reduce its manifestations, you must first adjust your lifestyle. By identifying the root causes and eliminating the factors affecting the functionality of the genital organ.
Internal causes of sexual dysfunction
Before using any drugs, you should exclude the list of diseases that affect erectile dysfunction.
They include:
- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system (urethritis, prostatitis, cystitis).
- Hormonal imbalance (leads to decreased sexual desire).
- Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes).
- Cardiovascular abnormalities.
- Malignant formations.
- Genetic pathologies.
- Birth defects.
- Age-related changes.

External factors
But not only internal diseases affect the state of potency, external factors must also be taken into account. Harmful working conditions, sedentary work, deteriorating environmental conditions year after year. External factors include men's eating habits, which also do not contribute to health. Most often, these are snacks on the go and the lack of the necessary set of trace elements in food: zinc, phosphorus, vitamin E. These trace elements are part of testosterone, which is responsible for male libido. And we cannot fail to mention such bad habits as smoking and alcoholic beverages. All this has a negative impact on men's health.
Once you determine the root cause, you can begin to fight this disease. Potency stimulants can be excellent allies. These are substances that keep the male power in good shape. There are two types of male stimulants: pharmaceutical and natural. They are easily found in various pharmacies, but you can make your own natural ones.

Natural stimulants
It is immediately worth recalling the products used by many generations from century to century to increase male strength. Known aphrodisiacs: hot and spicy meat dishes, all types of seafood, red wine, nuts, eggs. Products produced by bees also have a beneficial effect on men's health. We must not forget fermented milk products, as well as vegetables and fruits. The entire range of products is rich in useful microelements necessary for the body, without which the normal functioning of the male reproductive system is impossible.
Pharmaceutical products
If the problem requires serious intervention, then drug stimulants for potency will come to the rescue. When using drugs, you should consult your doctor to avoid negative consequences.
Let's look at the types of stimulant drugs. Medicines are divided into homeopathic and synthetic. The first are dietary supplements and are of plant origin, frequent use does not lead to addiction. They promote blood flow to the reproductive organ, which increases erection. Some of them are taken as a course, and others should be taken immediately before intercourse. When taking it, you should carefully read the instructions.

Synthetic drugs
The effectiveness is determined by the substances included in their composition, the so-called generics. They promote a powerful rush of blood and increase the vascular pressure in the genital organ. It should be remembered that they should be taken no earlier than an hour before the planned intercourse. Synthetic substances also include ointments, sprays and drops. Some of them not only have a beneficial effect on potency, but also relieve inflammation of the genitourinary system.
Hardware stimulators of potency
Since progress does not stand still, it is worth adding about the appearance of electrical stimulators on the pharmaceutical market, the so-called hardware method of increasing efficacy. Electric stimulators "pump" blood to the penis, thereby stimulating erectile function. In addition, they are also suitable for prostate treatment. But when using it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. It is forbidden to use electric stimulators in the presence of hemorrhoids, acute stage of prostatitis or malignant neoplasms When hardware stimulators are used, treatment is carried out at intervals of two weeks.
The most famous electrical stimulators:
- improves blood circulation through stimulation with electrical impulses;
- a primarily vacuum driven device;
- simulator for improving potency, affects the pubic-muscular area;
- a simulator that massages the genital organ, which promotes rapid stimulation.
There are many means to improve male potency, so such a problem in the modern world is not a death sentence. Restoring an erection is not so difficult, but the strong half of humanity must rememberthat at the first signs of erectile dysfunction, you should first consult a specialist to determine the root cause of the disease. You should also start taking stimulant medications only as prescribed. Because some potency stimulants for men have a number of contraindications that can negatively affect health.
Also, before you start taking medication, you should first review your lifestyle. Start eating right, exercise and get rid of bad habits, rest more and be less nervous. Often, it is this correction that allows you not to resort to additional stimulants to improve your intimate life and naturally increase male libido.